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Learning theย A Court of Mist and Fury charactersย doesn’t have to be hard! I took notes throughout and fully explain their descriptions by Sarah J. Maas with page numbers below. It will help you read theย ACOTAR book series, create fan art or fiction, and more. Youโ€™ll better understand and picture these fantasy characters with my notes, so letโ€™s get literary!

ACOMAF characters pronunciation guide

Quick ACOMAF Character List and Pronunciation Guide

In A Court of Mist and Fury (ACOMAF), key characters include Feyre Archeron, Tamlin, Rhysand, Morrigan, Cassian, Azriel, Amren, Lucien, Ianthe, Elain, Nesta, the Bone Carver, the Weaver, and the King of Hybern.

Feyre Archeron: The main character. A fierce huntress turned High Fae, fighting for love and survival while coming into her own

Tamlin: The powerful High Lord of the Spring Court attempting to control Feyre

Ianthe: A High Priestess, a High Fae noble, and childhood friend of Tamlinโ€™s

Lucien: A loyal, sharp emissary of the Spring Court

Rhysand: The charismatic High Lord of the Night Court

Cassian: Commands Rhysand’s armies as a skilled and loyal warrior with a fierce sense of honor

Azriel: A stealthy and enigmatic spymaster in the Night Court with a shadowy past

Amren: Second in command in the Night Court, a powerful, ancient being with a complicated history

Morrigan: Rhysand’s cousin, third in command in the Night Court, and a fierce warrior and loyal friend with a mysterious past

The Ilyrians: A fierce, warrior-like tribe with a strict and hierarchical society

Jurian: A vengeful, war-scarred soldier with a grudge against the Fae

The Bone Carver: A mysterious being who deals in death and secrets and can take different appearances

The Weaver: A terrifying creature who weaves both magic and dread

Elain: Feyre’s sister, a gentle and kind-hearted soul with a deep connection to nature

Nesta: Feyre’s sister, a fierce, strong-willed woman with a complex and guarded heart

The Attor: A cruel and cunning creature working for darker forces

Tarquin: The High Lord of the Summer Court

Suriel: A haunting, ancient being who reveals crucial truths

King of Hybern: A ruthless and ambitious ruler with a thirst for power

In the video below, Sarah J. Maas pronounces the A Court of Mist and Fury characters names for you:

Major A Court of Mist and Fury Characters Explained in Order of Appearance


Note that my notes are arranged in the order the characters appeared in the Kindle version of this bestselling fantasy book, with page numbers for major points.

There are minor spoilers!

I aimed to focus on general appearance, personality, and background of the major characters, but still, some facts are necessarily revealed in the descriptions. That being said, I aimed not to spoil what happens to the characters throughout the book.

If you need a recap first, check out my guide to the ACOTAR Characters.

Feyre Archeron: Soon to Be Lady of the Spring Court at the Start of the Novel


  • blue-gray eyes
  • brown-gold hair
  • full mouth
  • sharp cheekbones
  • black swirling tattoos etched into her fingers and hands
  • full lips
  • pale skin


  • determined not to be weak or dependent

(See page 2, 15, 21, 149, 177, 329.)

Feyre was born to a wealthy merchant family. Her mother died when she was eight. Her father lost their fortune three years later. He was forced to sell everything to pay his debts. The debtors shatters his leg, and he couldn’t work. So, she learned to hunt. (page 176)

Tamlin: High Lord of the Spring Court


  • golden hair
  • green eyes
  • muscled torso
  • golden skin
  • callused hands

(See pages 9, 10, 21.)

Ianthe: A High Priestess, High Fae Noble, and Childhood Friend of Tamlin


  • tattooed brow with various stages of a moon’s cycle
  • slim waist
  • long, slender fingers
  • bright gold hair
  • teal eyes
  • elegant features
  • supple body
  • lethal magic
  • youngest High Priestess in three centuries
  • beautiful
  • generous breasts


  • bright and cunning
  • unmarried and childless
  • ambitious
  • clever
  • bold

(See pages 14, 15, 16, 17, 19. 233.)

Ianthe and her family escaped from Under the Mountain to one of the faerie territories across the ocean for fifty years. Her father was one of Tamlinโ€™s strongest allies amongst the Spring Court and a captain in his forces. (page 18)

Lucien: Emissary of the Spring Court


  • one metal eye and one russet eye
  • red hair
  • sun-kissed gold skin

(See pages 26, 608.)

Rhysand: High Lord of the Night Court


  • blue-black hair
  • violet eyes
  • golden skin
  • massive wings
  • daemati (can slip through mental shields)
  • muscled back
  • painful right knee
  • long legs
  • twin tattoos on each of his knees: a towering mountain crowned by three stars
  • hands end in long, black talons
  • feet end in claws


  • sarcastic
  • values loyalty, cunning, and compassion
  • notoriously difficult to deal with
  • gets what he wants

(See pages 43, 46, 50, 67, 149, 199, 280, 330, 335, 371.)

Rhysand is the most powerful High Lord in Prythianโ€™s history. (page 149)

Rhysand is half-Illyrian. His mother was an Illyrian seamstress whose wings were about to be clipped when his father bonded with her and made her his bride. (pages 155, 166, 169, 170)

His parents were wrong for each other. His father was cold, calculating, and vicious. His mother was soft, fiery, and beloved. (page 170)

He was trained at the war camps but also educated. (page 172)

Cassian: Commander of Rhysand’s Armies


  • dark hair
  • tanned skin
  • hazel eyes
  • shoulder-length black hair
  • rough-hewn features
  • seven red siphons on his hands that have killing and other powers
  • broad hands


  • volatile temper
  • wants what (who) he can’t have

(See pages 158, 165, 174, 407, 432.)

Cassian is the son of a war-camp laundress and a warrior she didn’t remember. (page 168)

He was dumped in a distant camp when he could walk. (page 169)

Azriel: Spymaster of the Night Court


  • dark hair
  • tan skin
  • hazel eyes
  • classically beautiful
  • scarred hands from a childhood trauma
  • night dark hair
  • seven siphons on his hands with killing and other powers
  • untrained shadowsinger
  • can’t fly
  • faint scars on his wings and neck
  • the biggest wings

(See pages 158, 159, 161, 165, 173, 191, 208, 400, 407.)

Azriel was the illegitimate child of an Illyrian lord. (page 168)

In his father’s keep, he stayed in a cell with no window. He wasn’t permitted to train or fly. (page 191)

Amren: Second in Command in the Night Court


  • no wings
  • looks like High Fae, but she’s different
  • over 5,000 years old
  • silver eyes
  • slim, small fingers
  • red lips
  • chin-length dark hair 
  • small body


  • powerful

(See pages 148, 149, 161, 162, 279, 357.)

Amren was once a prisoner in a different body. (page 148)

She is Rhysand’s political adviser, walking library, and doer of his dirty work. (page 192)

Morrigan (“Mor”): Rhysand’s Cousin and Third in Command in the Night Court


  • golden hair
  • sun-kissed skin
  • rich brown eyes


  • irreverent
  • cheerful
  • a dreamer
  • special strength in enduring hardships
  • remains warm and kind
  • still willing to trust and reach out

(See pages 59 152, 169, 238, 239.)

Mor is the only pure-blooded, titled person in the Night Court. (page 166)

She was born into the Court of Nightmares. (page 169)

She “looks after the dynamics between the Court of Nightmares and the Court of Dreams, and runs both Velaris and the Hewn City. […] in the mortal realm, she might be considered a queen. (page 192)

She was imprisoned for “a few millennia” before the written word. There are legends that she is a one-of-a-kind creature from another world. (page 194)

Cassian helped Rhys get her out. (page 238)

She lost her virginity to Cassian to avoid being sold into marriage. (page 397)

The Illyrians: A Tribe of Warriors


  • dwell in clans deep in the mountains
  • don’t like outsiders, especially High Fae
  • obsessed with lineage and have princes and lords
  • unparalleled warriors
  • rich with stories and tradition
  • brutal and backwards, particularly in treatment of females, whom they cripple for breeding purposes

(See pages 168-169.)

Jurian: An Ancient Warrior with a Vengeance


  • handsome
  • brown hair
  • round, human ears
  • too white teeth


  • odious, talks about himself
  • brave and cunning

(See pages 179, 587, 590, 599.)

Jurian was the ancient warrior whose soul Amarantha had imprisoned in a ring that contained his eye as punishment for killing her sister. (page 179)

The Bone Carver


  • A type of shape-shifter that can appear as different things at the same time to different people
  • Appears to Feyre as a young boy around eight, with a small voice, dark hair, and blue eyes.
  • Appears to Rhys as Jurian.

(See pages 195, 197, 202.)

The Weaver: An Ancient and Wicked Creature


  • rich onyx hair that tumbles down
  • slender waist
  • snow-white hands
  • young, supple body
  • gray skin that is wrinkled, sagging, and dry
  • withered lips of deep, dark lines
  • short, jagged teeth
  • half caved in nose


  • wicked

(See pages 208, 218, 223.)

Elain: Feyre’s Kind Sister


  • golden-brown hair
  • pale skin
  • chocolate eyes


  • gentle and sweet

(See pages 239, 604.)

Nesta wears a dark iron ring and is about to marry the son of Lord Nolan, who has devoted his life to hunting faeries. (pages 247, 248)

Nesta: Feyre’s Strong Sister


  • grey-blue eyes like her mother
  • brown-gold hair
  • long, lean limbs


  • always angry
  • feels everything
  • loves deeply but not freely

(See pages 248, 273, 487, 555, 559, 608.)

The Attor


  • spindly arms, hard like iron
  • rasping voice
  • silvery blood
  • wings

(See pages 265-267.)

Tarquin: High Lord of the Summer Court


  • rich brown skin
  • white hair
  • turquoise blue eyes

(See page 309.)

Suriel: A Creature of Truth


  • tattered robes
  • body made of solid, worn bone
  • lipless mouth
  • large teeth
  • long, spindly fingers

(See page 490.)

King of Hybern


  • shoulder-length black hair
  • ruddy skin
  • average height
  • muscled
  • face like a handsome fortysomething
  • black eyes


  • depthless
  • hateful

(See page 590.)


Learning the A Court of Mist and Fury characters can be difficult because the reader is introduced to so many new faces in the Night Court so quickly. The most important characters to keep track of are:

  • Feyre: who is torn between Tamlin, the High Lord of the Spring Court, and Rhysand, the High Lord of the Night Court
  • The Inner Circle of the Night Court: Amren, Morrigan, Cassian, and Azriel
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