Explore the most thought-provoking A Gentleman in Moscow book club questions (without spoilers!) here. Amor Towles’s #1 New York Times bestselling book has had millions of readers talking for years. You’ll foster meaningful discussion and get free printable book club questions to use as a book club resource at your in-person meeting. Let’s get literary!

Quick A Gentleman in Moscow Summary With Themes
- #1 New York Times bestseller with over 2 million readers
- A Showtime TV series starring Ewan McGregor
Published by Viking Press, A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles, author of Rules of Civility, is a character-driven book that I consider to be one of the best books of the 21st century. Its clever storyline involves a Russian aristocrat, Count Alexander Rostov, under house arrest in The Metropol Hotel for decades, from the 1920s to the 1950s in Moscow, Russia (the Russian Revolution to the Soviet Era).
Like any grand hotel, the Metropol is filled with secret compartments, a wine cellar, elegant stationery, and other descriptions that breathe life into it. Both the Count and his life in the Metropol hotel, feel real to the reader.
Not just historical fiction, A Gentleman in Moscow also ventures into romance, political thrills, family drama, and more, with colorful characters including a young girl named Nina, a famous actress named Anna Urbanova, and hotel staff.
It’s a great book club book that offers such themes for discussion as aristocracy during the revolution, freedom, confinement, loyalty, relationships, cultural change, the passage of time, purpose and meaning of life, and memory.
Amor Towles’s A Gentleman in Moscow: Book Club Questions (Without Spoilers)
Discuss the above quotes from A Gentleman in Moscow.
Was the Count lucky or unlucky to receive the sentence of house arrest?
Discuss the meaning of family in the Count’s life before and after his arrest.
How did the Count’s sister influence the Count’s life?
Discuss the intersection between art (poetry, literature, music, movies) and politics in A Gentleman in Moscow, as well as in real life.
Why do you think the Count loves the movie Casablanca so much?
Why do such different characters, such as the Count and young Nina, get along?
How do the various characters in A Gentleman in Moscow (i.e., Alyona, Andrei) impact the very limited life of the Count?
How does Sofia change the life of the Count?
What gives the Count a sense of purpose in his limited life?
Is the Count’s life a “full” one?
How does the Count change over time, mainly due to his circumstances and due to Russian politics?
What were the highs and lows of the Count’s life at the Metropol?
In your opinion, what was the highest high and the lowest low of the Count’s life throughout A Gentleman in Moscow?
How does the Count cope with the lows in his life?
How would the count’s life have differed if he had not been under house arrest?
How do you envision the Metropol?
What were your favorite descriptions of the Metropol?
Who was your favorite staff member at the Metropol?
Who was your favorite character in the Count’s life?
Was the count more in control of his life or lacking control?
Were the Count’s circumstances due to fate, chance, or choice?
How does working affect the Count’s life?
What would you order if you were to eat or drink at the Metropol?
Are you aware that the Metropol is a real hotel?
Discuss the importance of the passkeys both figuratively and literally.
Did you find any parts of A Gentleman in Moscow to be funny?
Discuss Russian politics at the time period in which A Gentleman in Moscow was set.
Did you learn anything new about Russian politics?
How does Towles convey what’s happening outside the Metropol?
Did you notice any differences in the behavior of characters of different classes?
Discuss the role of gender in A Gentleman in Moscow.
Would you have tried to escape the Metropol?
Technically, A Gentleman in Moscow is a historical fiction book. Would you categorize it as any other genre or sub-genre?
If you were under house arrest in a hotel for much of your lifetime, which hotel do you wish it would be?
Did the ending of A Gentleman in Moscow surprise you at all?
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Book Club Ideas For Food and Activities
- Amor Towles recommends eating the Latvian stew that the Count enjoys in the Piazza. Also consider borscht, beef stroganoff, caviar, and Russian tea.
- Recreate and drink one of the Metropol bartender’s colorful cocktails: Goldenrod, the Robin’s Egg, the Brick Wall, and the Christmas Tree.
- Learn more about the (real) Metropol Hotel.
- Watch the Showtime TV series adaptation, a Golden Globe nominee. (I loved it!)
Watch the trailer for the adaptation starring Ewan McGregor on Youtube:
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remember, it’s a good day to read a book. – jules