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Explore thought-provoking book club questions for Spare by Prince Harry. It’s the massively bestselling, record-breaking memoir book everyone is talking about. Youโ€™ll foster meaningful discussion and get free printable book club questions to prepare for your in-person book club. Get started below.

Spare by Prince Harry held in front of a bookshelf.

Book Club Questions for Spare by Prince Harry

What did you expect to read prior to reading Spare?

Were your expectations met, or were they different after reading Spare?

What do you think Prince Harry’s intention was in publishing Spare?

Do you think Prince Harry achieved his intention in publishing Spare?

In what book format did you read Spare, and did you enjoy this format?

Do you think Spare was the right title for this memoir?

Do you believe that Prince Harry always did feel like a “spare,” or that this was a convenient title?

Prince Harry’s face features dominantly on the book cover. What do you make of this choice?

If you were to select the book cover for Spare, what would you select?

Describe Spare in one word/phrase/sentence.

Describe Prince Harry in one word/phrase/sentence.

Is your description of Prince Harry different than it would have been before you read Spare?

Do you view anyone in the royal family differently after reading Spare?

Did you learn anything new in Spare?

Spare is comprised of three distinct parts. Did any one part, in particular, stand out to you?

Spare begins at the time of Princess Diana’s death and ends at the time of Queen Elizabeth’s death. Do you think this was intentional? Why?

How does Prince Harry view his mother?

Hypothetically speaking, how may Harry’s life have been different if his mother had not died?

What theme(s) dominated Spare from your perspective as a reader?

Spare was written with/by a ghostwriter. How did this impact your experience?

Was Spare unfairly biased or one-sided?

Do you believe the accounts in Spare were all true?

Discuss the role of perspective in this memoir.

Discuss the role of grief in Prince Harry’s life.

Discuss how the royal family managed (or mismanaged) grief.

Discuss the role of the media in Prince Harry’s life.

Do you believe the media printed false stories and/or colluded with the royals against Prince Harry and Meghan Markle?

Discuss the role of fame in Prince Harry’s life.

Discuss the role of race in this memoir.

Prince Harry spends a lot of time discussing his military service. What significance did it have in his life?

Prince Harry does not discuss his childhood (pre-Princess Diana’s death) in Spare. Why do you think he made this choice?

Did anything in Spare shock you?

Prince Harry has a lot of nicknames. Which one was your favorite?

Prince Harry discusses his private life (and parts) a lot in this memoir. Why do you think he did this?

Did your opinion of Prince Harry or anyone else change after reading Spare?

In many ways, Spare is a memoir of a dysfunctional family. In what ways was the royal family dysfunctional?

How did therapy change Prince Harry?

Do you think the royal family read Spare and, if so, what do you think their reactions were?

What one story told in Spare was most memorable to you?

Did you watch Prince Harry’s Netflix special, Oprah interview, etc., and, if so, how did that impact your reading experience?

There has been a lot of criticism of Spare. Is it warranted?

If you could ask Prince Harry one question after reading Spare, what would it be?

Do you think Prince Harry is happy now?

Do you think Prince Harry will reconcile with the royal family?

Who else’s perspectives would you like to hear on the events discussed in Spare?

What is your view of life as a royal?

Does the monarchy need to change?

Does the royal family need to change?

What do you think is next for Prince Harry?

Is there anything you wish was included in Spare that was not discussed?

Do you think reading Spare was “worth it”?

Printable Discussion Questions

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Why Your Book Club Will Love Spare

My Review: โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜…โ˜†

Spare is a popular book club book written by one of the world’s most famous and controversial people (with a ghostwriter), and it offers a truly unprecedented look into the lives of British royalty.

In his celebrity memoir, Spare, Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex, gets personal on everything from his mom, the late Princess Diana, and his lifelong grief of her death, to the events that led to his brother, Prince William, becoming his archnemesis; difficult conversations he had with his father, King Charles, and his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth; his time in the British military; his disdain for the British media; and of course, his marriage to Meghan Markle and becoming a father to Archie and Lillibet.


  • If you haven’t yet read Spare for your book club, I recommend reading this memoir as an audiobook, narrated by Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex himself, and I definitely recommend this format as a more immersive reading experience for such a personal book.


These Spare book club questions help you discuss the intricacies of royal life, with its unique blend of privilege, pressure, and very public scrutiny. As your book club discusses this candid account, you’re guided by thoughtful and empathetic questions about identity, duty, and self-actualization. May your conversations be as intriguing as the insights Prince Harry shared!

Keep the discussion going! Share your thoughts on Spare or any remaining questions you have in the comments below.  

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One Comment

  1. The Royals were just over the top. They treated Harry and Megan like Pariahs. Damn them! Harry represented the spirit of America’s revolution. I won’t go into detail as everyone should already know this story. Good Luck Harry and family.